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Ice Breakers Tropical Sno​
Ice Breakers Tropical Sno​
Take a Look at Our Event Gallery
Taco Festival 2023
This is amazing!!!
I am in love...with Shaved Ice!!
Football Camp
Taco Festival 2021​
Taco Festival 2021​
Impact Church
Impact Church
Refuge Church
Movie Night- LeBauer Park
Movie Night- LeBauer Park
Center City Park
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This is how you stay cool while being cool!!!
Camp Springs Bluegrass Festival 2021
I have to try this!!
I have to try this!!
Fleet Feet Pickle Run
Karaoke ​Line Dance - Center City Park​
Karaoke ​Line Dance - Center City Park​
High Point Farmer's Market
Piedmont Farmer's Market
Piedmont Farmer's Market
Cute and Cool!!
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